Property Disputes

Kingsford Lawyers assists and advises in an array of commercial and corporate matters.

Searching for a Professional and Trusted Property Dispute Lawyer?

Kingsford Lawyers understands property disputes are often complicated and we have extensive experience to be able to work closely with our clients and provide clear and practical advice to your property dispute as quickly as possible.

We believe that in most cases a solution exists to resolve most issues without the need for costly court action. With proper legal advice and seeking advice early in the dispute, it is often possible to reach an agreement and avoid the need to go to court.

Assessment of Every Possible Angle

Commercial and Residential Property Disputes

Sales and Acquisitions Conveyancing Breach of Contracts Mortgage and Property Defaults Title Disputes

Leasing Disputes

Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Retail leasing

Neighbourhood Property Disputes

Disputes over Trees, Easements, Fencing, and Retaining Walls

Family Property Disputes

Having in house Counsel available with over 40 years experience in litigation, Kingsford Lawyers is very well equipped to assist you in your litigation matters however small or large the matter may be

When Results Matter, We Fiercely Represent You

We work hard with our clients to act quickly as prompt attention often leads to advantageous outcomes for the client. We ensure we take the time to understand your matter and gain a thorough understanding of what has happened which assists us to put in place the best practice to achieve the desired outcome.

We will advise on the relevant legislation related to your particular type of property dispute and the dispute resolution process options that are available. If the dispute progresses we will act professionally and fiercely to represent you. We have successfully represented our clients in all jurisdictions across Australia.

our satisfied clients


To speak with a lawyer from Kingsford about your case, call us on 1300 244 342 for a confidential, obligation-free chat.




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