Personal Bankruptcy

Kingsford Lawyers prides itself in maintaining a medium firm feel by treating each client with care and consideration.

Personal Insolvency & Bankruptcy Lawyers in Melbourne and Queensland

If you are finding yourself unable to meet obligations you have financially made such as:

If you have already attempted to meet demand letter notices and failed on financial hardship applications, then you may be subject to receiving a notice of bankruptcy.

Kingsford Lawyers assist in ensuring you understand your rights and obligations when served with a bankruptcy notice. We can provide advice on:

You should seek legal advice as soon as you start experiencing financial difficulties, although if you are at this stage, we can still help and options although may be limited are still available and include:

Or you may be looking at the option of declaring bankruptcy if the debt has become too overwhelming and may be the only option left, we can help you through this process of declaring bankruptcy.

When you declare bankruptcy, you are formally and legally declaring your acknowledgment that you are unable to meet your financial obligations. It is vital that you seek legal advice if you are considering this option and it is important you understand that bankruptcy has considerable and long-lasting effects on your credit report.

Understand your rights and obligations when served with a bankruptcy notice

Don't Take Chances - Involve Experienced Insolvency Lawyers

Kingsford Lawyers assist in ensuring you understand your rights and obligations when served with a bankruptcy notice. We can provide advice on:

Declaring Bankruptcy: Other Options and Long-Term Consequences

You should seek legal advice as soon as you start experiencing financial difficulties, although if you are at this stage, we can still help and options although may be limited are still available and include:

Or you may be looking at the option of declaring bankruptcy if the debt has become too overwhelming and may be the only option left, we can help you through this process of declaring bankruptcy.

When you declare bankruptcy, you are formally and legally declaring your acknowledgment that you are unable to meet your financial obligations. It is vital that you seek legal advice if you are considering this option and it is important you understand that bankruptcy has considerable and long-lasting effects on your credit report.

What Happens If You File For Personal Bankruptcy

Once entered into bankruptcy, a trustee will be appointed and they will become responsible for administering the Bankrupt Estates (take over all financial affairs), and have several responsibilities which include:

Call us today to book a consultation if you are experiencing any of the above.

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To speak with a lawyer from Kingsford about your case, call us on 1300 244 342 for a confidential, obligation-free chat.


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