Proprietà intellettuale

Lo studio legale Kingsford assiste e consiglia in una serie di questioni commerciali e societarie.

Our Intellectual Property Lawyers Can Assist You

Do you have intellectual property to protect? Kingsford Lawyers has the experience and can assist with your intellectual property needs including:

We assist in Copyright Law and related disputes including obtaining Copyright permissions, advising on whether an infringement of copyright has occurred, sending or responding to a cease-and-desist letter, submitting copyright infringement, or commencing legal action in court relating to a copyright infringement and assessing the claim for appropriate damages and costs.

Trademark and brand protections include the registrations, enforcement, and commercialisation of the trademark/brand, due diligence, and the process required which includes comprehensive searches, applications to IP Australia, management, and support.

Beyond the initial registration and applications of the trademark or brand, Kingsford Lawyers can provide ongoing services if you need to commence or defend trademark infringement proceedings and court litigations for misleading or deceptive conduct claims. It is important to understand your rights and obligation so reach out to us to discuss.

Protect what matters most

We Protect What Matters to You

We help our clients in the initial stages of their professional relations and can assist in drafting commercial agreements for the terms of use regarding website and or license agreements and outline the terms available for permissions to minimise litigation for copyright-related disputes.

Se la vostra domanda o il vostro problema non sono elencati qui sopra, chiamateci al numero 1300 244 342 per una chiacchierata senza impegno, perché potremmo essere in grado di aiutarvi a risolvere il vostro problema.

i nostri clienti soddisfatti


Per parlare con un avvocato di Kingsford del vostro caso, chiamateci al numero 1300 244 342 per una chiacchierata confidenziale e senza impegno.




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Come ha saputo di noi?

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