Personal Areas of Law

Kingsford Lawyers prides itself in maintaining a medium firm feel by treating each client with care and consideration.

Personal Injury Lawyers for Your Rightful Compensation

If you have recently suffered an injury as a result of the doing and negligence of another including medical negligence, Kingsford Lawyers can assist.

We have personal injury lawyers who can assist in a range of areas such as:

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can turn your world upside down, if you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident it is important to know that every registered vehicle is required to hold compulsory third-party insurance and anyone who is injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident can be entitled to recover damaged and seek free medical treatment, although strict timelines apply so it is important you seek urgent legal advice to determine the best options to resolve.

Acts relied upon for the application of the Law vary depending on what state the injury occurred in these include:

Have you found yourself having to go through the lengthy and stressful claims process of your superannuation and TPD forms, it’s daunting isn’t it; these forms require detailed information and any misleading or misinformation can mean your claim could face being declined. If you are making a claim, then you have probably been through enough so reaching out for assistance from an experienced lawyer could be the help you need, let Kingsford Lawyers worry about the details so that you focus on your health.

Public liability claims are made when you are injured as a result of the negligence of another person or company. The most commonly seen public liability claims are slip and fall injuries. If you have experienced an injury like this then reach out to Kingsford Lawyers to assess whether there is any potential compensation available to you.

These types of claims are made under the relevant laws and legislations to the state the injury occurred in.

Have you experienced negligent treatment or malpractice by a medical professional, or sustained injury while in a treatment facility under the care of a healthcare professional, then you may be eligible for medical negligence compensation.

The worry of being ill is stressful enough for you and your loved ones, reach out to us for assistance, we understand and can provide your rights regarding the appropriate standard of care and your legal options.

There is a ‘duty of care which is owed to you by medical/healthcare providers, and they are required to practice within the reasonable skill, judgment, and care while performing any diagnostic, treatment, or care tasks for their patients. If the duty of care is breached, then this is what can be considered medical negligence or medical malpractice and they can be held liable for any harm that has been caused as a result of their negligence.

This is where Kingsford Lawyers can help you understand your options.

What is considered negligent medical treatment?

Some common examples of negligent medical treatment that you may be able to claim compensation for include:

It is important to know that misdiagnosis can also be classed as medical negligence and can be described as:

Misdiagnosis is crucial as it can result in a patient not receiving the correct or quick enough treatment for their condition, which can result in further medical complications and could be detrimental to your health, the injury or illness could change to become more serious and progressive.

“What compensation and benefits can you receive for negligent medical treatment or advice?”

Depending on the state you live in and the type of medical negligence/malpractice you have experienced and the severity of the pain and suffering as a direct result of such negligence will determine the type of compensation you are entitled to.

Your compensation can cover past, present, and future expenses and losses including:

Our medical negligence lawyers will be able to advise you on what laws apply to you and any evidence that may be required to claim your compensation.

Our aim is to help you get your life back on track as soon as possible

Our Injury Claim Lawyers Can Help Get Your Life On Track ASAP

Our lawyers work with you to clarify the facts, identify the cause of injury, assess your eligibility for a compensation claim, engage with healthcare professionals to request medical reports and identify the correct process to ensure that the process is moth and stress-free for you. Our aim is to help you get your life back on track as soon as possible.

If your query or issue is not listed above, please give us a call on 1300 244 342 link for an obligation-free chat today, as we may still be able to assist with your matter.

our satisfied clients


To speak with a lawyer from Kingsford about your case, call us on 1300 244 342 for a confidential, obligation-free chat.




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