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Divorce And Defacto Seperation

Kingsford Lawyers prides itself in maintaining a medium firm feel by treating each client with care and consideration.

Divorce Lawyers to Help You Win Meaningful Results

Separation can be difficult, and emotions are heightened for all involved. Kingsford Lawyers understand this and we have a dedicated team of Family Lawyers who can assist you through this process of separation and divorce.

The process begins once the couple has decided that there are no means to reconcile the marriage and that separation has occurred for a minimum of 12 months, only on these conditions can a Divorce Order be applied for. If the application is successful, a Divorce Order will be granted and issued 1 month and 1 day following the hearing date.

Kingsford Lawyers can assist in the Divorce Application process and make it as stress-free as possible for you.

A brief outline of the eligibility and process can go as follows:

If applying solely, then you are required to serve the application on the respondent spouse and the respondent spouse needs to return a signed copy of the court document confirming he/she has received it.

If applying solely, then you are required to serve the application on the respondent spouse and the respondent spouse needs to return a signed copy of the court document confirming he/she has received it.

There are exemptions to this requirement to go through counselling:

This needs to be set out in an affidavit to be submitted with the divorce application.

This needs to be attached to the application so if they don’t have it, they need to get a copy from births deaths, and marriages first.

For the Family Law Act to apply to defacto relationships, the relationship between the couple needs to have been for a minimum of 2 years. Often the length of a defacto relationship leads to a dispute between the couple as there is no clarity as to when the relationship started. You should seek independent legal advice as early as possible to eliminate the need for lengthy court proceedings.

Separation can be difficult, and emotions are heightened for all involved. Speak to one of our dedicated Family Lawyers who are here to help

Divorce, Financial Orders, and Parenting Orders: They're Not The Same

A divorce application is separate from financial and parenting orders. Kingsford Lawyers has extensive experience in property settlements and can assist with negotiations with the other party to reach a settlement out of court and if proceedings have been commenced, we can represent you in the matter to a conclusion.

Please see our information page on the process required for obtaining property / financial consent orders and parenting orders. Time limits do exist if the property / financial and parenting orders are sought after a divorce, there is a time limit of 12 months if these orders are sought after a divorce order.

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To speak with a lawyer from Kingsford about your case, call us on 1300 244 342 for a confidential, obligation-free chat.


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